Friday, October 14, 2011

Dangerously Cheesy

Dangerously Cheesy

Featured Story:
  • The Count Would Be Proud
    (1,181 thumbs up)
  • | John's Creek, GA, USA | Food & Eating

    Customer: "Where is your mad cow cheese?"

    Me: "Mad cow cheese, ma'am? Do you mean Laughing Cow cheese?"

    Customer: "No! Mad cow cheese! Everyone carries it."

    (At this point, I'm trying really hard not to laugh even though other customers are. I ask her to follow me and I show her the laughing cow cheese.)

    Customer: "Yes! Mad cow cheese!" *takes cheese and continues shopping*

    (I walk back to the area I work in, where another regular customer is waiting.)

    Another customer: *laughs* "It's okay, you can laugh now."
